


51 <「ここで一番の占い師は誰か」をたずねるには>
Who is the best fortune-teller here ?

Who is the funniest person here ?
Who is the youngest person here ?
Who is the kindest person here ?

This is the best place for fireworks. ここは花火には最高の場所。
When is the best season to eat oysters ? 牡蠣の旬はいつ?
Where is the best place in the world to live ? 住むのに世界で一番いいところはどこですか?
Kyoto is the best place in the world to live. 京都が一番です。
What is the best TV program to learn English ?

52 <「一度やってみたかった」と相手に伝えるには>
I've always wanted to try it. 一度はやってみたかった。

I've always wanted to try those sneakers.
I've always wanted to learn how to make a cake.

I've always wanted to work wirh Matsumoto Sensei on an English program.
I've always wanted to meet you.
I've always to wanted to study English.

53 <「ごちそうします」と伝えるには>
It's on me. おごります。

Here is the bill. お勘定です。
Don't worry. It's on me.
Lunch is on me. ランチをおごります。
Let's split the bill. 割り勘にしましょう。
But don't worry. It's on me.

The rest is on me. 残り(端数)は払います。
This time it's my treat, okay ? 今回は私のおごりです。

However, last time we came, it was my treat.
Do you want to split it ?
This time it's my treat. Next time it will be on you.

54 <中身が何かをたずねるには>
What's inside ?
What's in this soup ?

What's inside this trunk ?

What is in his hand ? 彼の(片方の)手の中には何があるんですか?
What's that outside ? 外にあるあれは何ですか?

What's under the desk ? 机の下に何がありますか?
What's behind the wall ? 壁の裏側に何がありますか?
What's behind the sofa ? ソファの後ろに何がありますか?

55 <「今までで一番おいしい飲茶だった」と伝えるには>
That was the best yum cha I've ever had.

Last year I went to a sushi restaurant in Nakameguro.
That was the best sushi I've ever had.

It is one of the best videos I have ever seen.
It's the worst baseball weather. 野球には最悪の天気だ。

You are the prettiest lady I've ever met.
You are the most handsome guy I've ever met.
You are the best teacher I've ever met.




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